Read a forgotten Wi-Fi password in Windows 10

If you have ever forgotten your WLAN network password, then you might know how frustrating it can be to go through the process of resetting your wireless router just so that you can access the internet once again. Thankfully, Windows 10 has a built-in way for you to read your Wi-Fi password without having to reset your router. This is an important security measure if someone else tries to guess …

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KeePass – Sync your passwords between different devices

Have you ever forgotten your password and had to reset it? Have you ever used the same password for all of your accounts and had one hacked? Or is there a significant security breach that has left you feeling vulnerable? KeePass can help. Learn here what you can do; If you’ve been using the same password for multiple accounts or updating your passwords regularly, it may be time to switch …

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Tools for your everyday security

Security is always a top priority, which goes doubly for online security. You want to make sure that you’re taking all the necessary steps to protect yourself – after all, who wants to risk identity theft or other cyberattacks? But it’s not always easy to figure out what you should be doing. That’s why we’ve put together this list of some great websites that can help you keep your online …

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There was a vulnerability on Facebook

This isn’t uncommon, but it’s not every day that a security flaw is found that allows access to anyone’s account. An Indian hacker found the fault in the password recovery algorithm. If you try to log in to a Facebook account and don’t know the password, you can reset it by receiving a six-digit code via SMS to the phone number you previously provided. The code is only supposed to …

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How to set up a safe smart-home

Setting up a smart home takes time and work, but it can be worth it in the end! Once you have your devices set up and ready to go, you’ll need to start working on your security. To keep your home and family safe from hackers or intruders, here are some essential steps for setting up a smart home that is both safe and secure. What is a smart home? …

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Why are online password-safes useful?

Passwords are the first line of defense against cyberattacks. If your password is too simple or easy to guess, anyone can access your site with a small amount of work. Use this article as an introduction to online password safes, which are designed to make it easier for you to come up with strong passwords, remember them, and keep them safe without memorizing them all. Why are password safes useful? …

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Features to make your computer more secure

Being safe on the internet is all about maintaining your privacy and security. That means protecting your identity, information, and data from prying eyes and malicious actors. But it isn’t always easy to know where to start when it comes to keeping your system secure. In this article, we’ll take a look at a few of the many features that have been included in the latest version of Steganos Privacy …

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Password-safe alternatives

Have you ever been frustrated with the inability to remember your password and want to chuck the whole system? You’re not alone, and we’ve got a solution for you: a password safe! What is a password safe? A password safe is an encrypted file that only the user can access. This means no one can hack your password (unless they hack your computer, but even then, it’s not as easy). …

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