Secret data exchange

Remember the story about all those social media giants getting hacked because of a simple email phishing attack? It doesn’t take much for someone to get your data, and as hackers become more sophisticated, they’ll find new ways to compromise you. This article will show you how to keep your data safe online. How to protect yourself? All it takes is a simple link to be intercepted by attackers, and …

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Avoiding SMS interception

Are you still sending text messages? If so, have you considered the risks it brings to your smartphone? Sending a text message is unsafe because it can be intercepted in transit and risky in that it can be intercepted in storage. Texting is not secure from data breaches where unencrypted devices are stolen by malware infiltrating your device. What are the reasons? The basic situation is simple: you shouldn’t send …

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Use secure emails

Ever since the Watergate scandal in the 1970s, Americans have been wary of Big Brother watching their every move. And while this might be an overreaction by some people, it’s important to be aware that online privacy is a privilege, not a right. Many accounts are created in Gmail or Yahoo for different needs, but sometimes the user forgets to use a secure email. The authorities demand that US mail …

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Anonymous internet browsing

The internet is a wonderful thing, but with the ability to freely browse all over the world, it can be easy to overlook security risks. If we don’t only connect to domestic sites on the web, our data is likely to pass through data nodes where foreign intelligence services can intercept it. And, of course, trained prying eyes should not be left out of the equation. But you can avoid …

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Encrypt cloud data for extra security

With the rise of data breaches in recent months, many people are looking for more security regarding their personal data. What if you need to store your sensitive data on a cloud service provider but are concerned that someone may have access to it? This blog post will give you some background on encryption and show you how it can be used with Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Box, and …

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Secure locking of mobile devices

There’s a lot of serious security in the mobile world, but it’s important to know which features are present and how they work. This article will explore the basic features to protect your mobile device and how encryption is making it hard for law enforcement and third parties to access your data. What to do? A few weeks ago, we wrote about how to maintain privacy on your Android device. …

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Devices that cannot be intercepted

“With the increasing popularity of smartphones, tablets, laptops, wearable devices, and other connected devices that are constantly transmitting information to servers, it is tempting to think that sooner or later someone will come up with a way for law enforcement agencies to intercept them,” writes security expert Bruce Schneier. But in this article, you’ll learn how you can defeat data spies with simple tricks. Without sacrificing performance or convenience, you …

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The era of biometric identifiers is coming

When it comes to safeguarding your online transactions, you have various options at your disposal. You can use a password manager, an advanced security software program, or even rely on two-factor identification. But what if you want something more advanced? Have you ever considered using biometrics? What are biometrics? Biometrics, or identifying someone based on their physical features such as fingerprints or iris patterns, is an alternative to passwords when …

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Where is the cyber-attack coming from?

It can shock the general user when they first learn of a cyber-attack as a worldwide sensation. But similar incidents happen every hour. What is a cyber-attack? “A cyber-attack is a violation of the security of a system or network, be it a system or a network.” Cyber-attacks are a growing concern that many people face every day. This is especially true for large corporations and governments, who often spend …

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