Avoiding SMS interception

Are you still sending text messages? If so, have you considered the risks it brings to your smartphone? Sending a text message is unsafe because it can be intercepted in transit and risky in that it can be intercepted in storage. Texting is not secure from data breaches where unencrypted devices are stolen by malware infiltrating your device.

What are the reasons?

The basic situation is simple: you shouldn’t send SMS messages because they send out as plain text. In contrast, the current version of WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption.

Turn on security notifications under Settings > Account > Security to ensure your partners use them. An even better solution might be to use the Threema app or Signal, the most secure messaging service currently available for mobile devices. Although the former costs some money, in return, you always have encrypted communication in all cases and versions.

Did you know?

The ability to intercept text messages is a new world for many people. Those who did not know that their texts could be intercepted often feel violated when they receive a message asking them to confirm their account information. This process allows companies to understand the needs of their customers better and make targeted advertisements.


You might think that SMS messages are secure, but they’re not. The problem with SMS messages is that they use an old technology called Short Message Service (SMS), which means that the message is sent out as plain text. When you send an SMS message, it’s like sending an email in clear text to everyone who will read the message. To avoid interception of your messages by a third party, make sure to always turn on encryption when sending and receiving texts.